Friday, September 29, 2023

ISO20022 : Business Application Header

 head.001 Business Application Header

The Business Application Header (BAH) is a mandatory component of the CBPR+ Business Message.

The Business Application Header enables both application routing rules head.001 and logic without having to read the Business Document.

Business Application Header – Character Set

The head.001 Business Application Header Character Set element declares the character set, in addition to
Latin, that is contained in the Business Document e.g. the pacs.008.

The Character Set element uses the UnicodeChartsCode string to declare an additional
character set, for example Cyrillic (Unicode range: 0400-04FF).This allows the party for which the message is addressed To to know in advance theadditional character set contained within the Business Document. In this way the message can be routed to a specific application to process the Character Set or handled as an exception if the Character Set is not appropriate for that business transaction.

Business Application Header – From

The head.001 Business Application Header From element identifies the BIC of the party who created the Business Document (e.g. pacs.008). Additional optional information on this party may also be captured within this nested element, where the BIC takes precedence should the information be inconsistent with the BIC.

Business Application Header – To

The head.001 Business Application Header To element identifies the BIC of the party who will ultimately process the Business Document (e.g. pacs.008) Additional optional information on this party may also be captured within this nested element, where the BIC takes precedence should the information be inconsistent with the BIC.

Business Application Header – Business Message Identifier

The head.001 Business Application Header Business Message Identifier element contains the Message
Identification captured within the Business Document’s Group Header. The content of this element should match the Business Document to avoid incorrect routing by the recipient.

Business Application Header – Message Definition Identifier

The head.001 Business Application Header Message Definition Identifier element contains the name of the Business Document. The content of this element should match the Business Document to avoid incorrect routing by the recipient.

Business Application Header – Business Service

The head.001 Business Application Header Business Service element is used to identify administered
services on the SWIFT network. The data represented in this elements is referred to as a Usage Identifier.For CBPR+ examples are provided below, these values may be used together with the Message Definition Identifier to determine routing rules to specific applications without having to open the business document.

Business Application Header – Creation Date

The head.001 Business Application Header Creation Date captures the date and time which the Business Application Header was created.

Business Application Header – Copy Duplicate

The head.001 Business Application Header Copy Duplicate indicator is used as a choice to identify
scenarios where a message was previously sent.

Business Application Header – Possible Duplicate

The head.001 Business Application Header Possible Duplicate element is used as a flag to indicate that if the party who will ultimately process the Business Document (e.g. pacs.008) received the original, then it should perform necessary actions to avoid processing this Business Message again. 

Business Application Header – Priority

The head.001 Business Application Header Priority element allows a choice of Business Message Priority Code to indicate the priority which may be applied to the business message.

Business Application Header – Related

The head.001 Business Application Header Related nested element enables the capture of the Business
Application Header from a related Business Document. For example, in a pacs.004 Payment Return the
Related Business Application Header from the original message can be included. This could allow the
receiver to apply specific routing to the message, based on the related information i.e., return of a pacs.009 cov may be routed to different payment engine than a core pacs.009.

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