Wednesday, August 2, 2023

What are the causes of persecution and killing of Hazara community in Pakistan?

 The Hazara community in Pakistan has faced persecution and killing due to a combination of factors. One major factor is their ethnicity and minority status. The Hazaras are a predominantly Shia Muslim ethnic group living in Pakistan, and they are considered a religious minority in a predominantly Sunni Muslim country. This has led to discrimination, marginalization, and violence against them.

Another factor is the ongoing sectarian violence and terrorism in Pakistan, which has targeted the Hazara community. Extremist Sunni militant groups, such as Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and the Islamic State, view the Hazaras as heretics and apostates, and often carry out attacks on their communities. The militants also see the Hazaras as a soft target due to their lack of political power and weak socio-economic status.

What has Pakistan government, police and security forces failed to provide security to them?

The Pakistani government, police, and security forces have been criticized for their failure to provide adequate security to the Hazara community. Despite numerous attacks on their communities, the government has not taken sufficient action to protect them or bring the perpetrators to justice.

One reason for this is the political and economic marginalization of the Hazaras, which has limited their ability to advocate for themselves or demand protection from the government. Additionally, corruption and inefficiency within the Pakistani security forces have hindered their ability to effectively combat extremism and protect vulnerable communities like the Hazaras.

What can be done to address the persecution and killing of Hazara community in Pakistan?

To address the ongoing persecution and killing of the Hazara community in Pakistan, there needs to be a comprehensive approach that addresses both the root causes and immediate security concerns. This includes addressing sectarian violence and terrorism, promoting tolerance and inclusivity, and providing economic opportunities for marginalized communities like the Hazaras.


The Pakistani government must take stronger action to protect the Hazara community from attacks and bring those responsible to justice. This includes improving intelligence gathering, strengthening law enforcement efforts, and holding corrupt officials accountable. Additionally, civil society organizations and religious leaders need to promote interfaith dialogue and tolerance to counter extremist ideologies that fuel sectarian violence.

Finally, international support is crucial in addressing this issue. The international community should provide technical assistance, training, and financial support to help Pakistan combat extremism and promote human rights for all communities in the country. Only through a concerted effort can we hope to end the persecution of the Hazara community in Pakistan.

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